Thursday 29 September 2016

Day 5


Last 2 days have been a disgusting mess... had 2 Cinnabon rolls last night..

Today was great

shit workout, followed by oatmeal & a banana

Fresh carrot and apple juice (freshly squeezed)

Quinoa and Beats

& currently munching on grapes

lets hope i stop here

Sunday 25 September 2016

Day 1

Sunday September 25th 2016

I have let myself go and today I was told "whats that pouch", referring to my "gut" (I want to puke typing that word) that was once a smaller, tighter lower belly.

I have started eating everything and anything, sitting on my ass for long period of time and missing workout classes (something I NEVER do).

Today is the wakeup call, today I decided I can't stand this body that IS NOT MINE, that is flabby and large and "drooping" everywhere.

its 9PM, just came back from a meeting, ready to sleep and begin the 9AM workout, followed by a run and the first day of minimal food and healthy balanced meals.

I can do this. I miss my old body, I miss the way I used to feel, I miss the way I wore crop tops proudly... going back to that starting today....

I can do this, excited to read back to this first post and say WOW I have done a 360, my bod is NOW banging ( like html of this blog ;] ).